Saturday, February 2, 2008

Natural Selection Speed Date II: Sugar Mamas and Boy Toys.

What is this world coming to? We have all heard of Speed Dating parties. Basically, a live action session for professionals who don’t do the internet. On the one hand it’s kinda cool because people can’t B.S. you. You know how women say stuff like “I’m full figured” when they mean I’m bigger than Mo’Nique Imes or us guys say stuff like “I’m rich and successful”, when in reality, we drive an ‘87 Ford and flip burgers. Nothing against big girls, flipping burgers or ‘87 Fords (well… there’s actually not a lot of good that can be said about an ‘87 ford), but you get my point, people tend to camouflage whatever perceived flaws the have on cyberspace.

So that’s why we have speed dating in the world. Enter Jeremy Abelson of Pocket Change. Mr. Abelson has been throwing, and taking a lot of heat for, his Natural Selection Speed Date: Rich Guys & Hot Girls events that pair wealthy geezers with Supermodel-type gold diggers. I mean wealthy like “Forbes list” wealthy. Old guys sitting on millions who dream of sticking it to Scarlett Johansson. Hey, this type of thing happens all the time, just look at Jack Nicholson or the President of France.

Exactly what I’m talking about. I mean, we even have ish like The Millionaire Matchmaker on TV (which I am simultaneously addicted to and repulsed by). There’s just no two ways about it, if you’re a rich guy, culturally speaking, it’s alright for you to do a woman half your age. Double standard? No question.

Now I can’t say if it’s in the essence of fair play or that he realizes he can double his money, but Mr. Abelson has turned the tables. He’s holding a Natural Selection Speed Date II: Sugar mamas and Boy Toys event to pair rich broads how are probably the divorced wives of his male clients, with guys that are just one bad break away from hustling Midnight Cowboy style. The ladies start at 35 and go up to 60, and are sitting on a minimum $4 million in assets and bring in $500,000 annually. For them this is really well-timed, with fashion week and all, it’s great for the ladies. It’s almost like one stop shopping. You just can’t beat that.

The big sale, uhh… I mean event will be on February 7th at 230 Fifth avenue from 8Pm - 10PM. Already 5,000 boy toys have signed up and the weeding process has begun. So fellas, if you want in you’ll have to wait until next time, or better yet, get a job. Sorry.

For more on this check out The Gothamist, which is fast becoming my favorite read and Jeremy Abelson’s Pocket Change. Hit this link for an application if you’re a rich mama or a boy toy, some more details or to get a look at some of the Sugar Mamas attending. Get your groove on Mrs. Robinson, I’m not mad at you.

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