Friday, February 8, 2008

Japanese Man Arrested For Illegally Dumping Porno Collection.

Oh, those wild and wacky Japanese. A 33 year old man from shizuoka prefecture got himself thrown in the clink for allegedly dumping over a thousand X-rated DVDS, videocassettes and magazines in an abandoned lot in Aichi (Nagoya), near a spot he’d gone fishing at. He drove all the way there because it was far away from his home after his wife told him to get rid of the stuff, presumably before she left him. Obviously, things went awry somewhere along way of the ill conceived plan. The police caught him and while explaining his dilemma, throw in the caveat, that he would have been “embarrassed if someone near my home had seen all this stuff”, referring to his little porno treasure trove.

Oh my Lord, that poor imbecile. Gives new meaning to the phrase caught red-handed. Japan, birth place of the Kyoto Protocol, takes it’s environmentalism very seriously, so I’m sure the punishment for this guy’s stupidity was rather stiff (sorry, I had to go there). My question is, if you have a wife, what the hell do you need with all that porn? Maybe if they had those “Give A Hoot, Don’t Pollute” commercials in Japan this wouldn’t have happened. Well, let that be a lesson to all you porn obsessed individuals out there.

Source: Japan Today.

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